DOGE: Efficiently Flip-Flopping Into The Totalitarian Technocratic Transhumanist Endgame Plan
DOGE brings efficiency, sweeps away govt corruption, was the highest authority in Venetian oligarchy. Will Trump's technocrats become like gods?
Apotheosis, also called divinization or deification is the glorification of a subject to divine levels and, commonly, the treatment of a human being, any other living thing, or an abstract idea in the likeness of a deity.
The subjects that have been deified are climate change and mass vaccination. To the Order these subjects are sacrosanct. They are untouchable. The science has been settled and there is nothing further to discuss.
The characters on the world stage that have been deified essentially reaching a form of godhood like the emperors of old are Trump, Putin and Xi.
There are others but these are the three amigos that have been positioned to play specific roles at this moment in history.
The Doge of Venice
The Doge of Venice was the doge or highest role of authority within the Republic of Venice. The word Doge derives from the Latin Dux, meaning "leader," and Venetian Italian for “duke”, highest official of the republic of Venice for over 1,000 years. Originally referring to any military leader, becoming in the Late Roman Empire the title for a leader of an expeditionary force formed by detachments from the frontier army, separate from, but subject to, the governor of a province, authorized to conduct operations beyond provincial boundaries.
The Doge of Venice acted as both the head of state and head of the Venetian oligarchy. Doges were elected for life through a complex voting process.
The doge's prerogatives were not defined with precision. While the position was entrusted to members of the inner circle of powerful Venetian families, after several doges had associated a son with themselves in the ducal office, this tendency toward a hereditary monarchy was checked by a law that decreed that no doge had the right to associate any member of his family with himself in his office, nor to name his successor.
And yet we see Doge for a New Roman Order Elon Musk parading his son around in the White House while he explains to the country and the world how it's going to be.
Are these the new family dynasties following in the footsteps of the Venetians and the Black Nobility or are they simply blackmailed puppets to be used and thrown away when the story inevitably shifts in a new direction as it always does?
Will there be more Trumpian presidents after the first?
Or will the selection of technocrats and professional flip-floppers (JD Vance, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK jr) continue the work started by the likes of Trump and his handlers for decades to come now that the Democrat party has been officially knocked out and humiliated?
Will we see a new breed of soothsayers and shadowy mentors rise up to fill the shoes of Henry Kissinger, Steve Pieczenik, Steve Bannon, or Curtis Yarvin?
Yarvin has been described as a "neo-reactionary", "neo-monarchist" and "neo-feudalist" who "sees liberalism as creating a Matrix-like totalitarian system, and who wants to replace American democracy with a sort of techno-monarchy". He has defended the institution of slavery, and has suggested that certain races may be more naturally inclined toward servitude than others. He has claimed that whites have higher IQs than black people, but does not consider himself a white nationalist. He is a critic of US civil rights programs, and has called the civil rights movement a "black-rage industry".
Yarvin has influenced some prominent Silicon Valley investors and Republican politicians, with venture capitalist Peter Thiel described as his "most important connection". Political strategist Steve Bannon has read and admired his work. U.S. Vice President JD Vance "has cited Yarvin as an influence himself." Michael Anton, the State Department Director of Policy Planning during Trump's second presidency, has also discussed Yarvin's ideas. In January 2025, Yarvin attended a Trump inaugural gala in Washington; Politico reported he was "an informal guest of honor" due to his "outsize influence over the Trumpian right."
This is not a good look for the chirpy chappies presenting themselves as the Good Policemen in this unfolding story of Angels and Demons, saviors, emperors and antichrists.
The Rift
There is a rift forming among the alt-media crowd.
It was already there when Operation COVID provided a break point: the virus or no virus position and the deeper scientific discussion concerning the historicity of contagion.
At that point it was clear to see that some people were thinking for themselves and others (the most prominent characters and platforms in the alt-media space) were following a lousy script drummed up by the sleaziest Hollywood writers working for central command.
But it was further on down the path, deeper into the weeds, that a greater, even more polarizing division was to take shape: namely, the true believers in the Trumpian New World Order facing off against the doubters, the Black Pillers, the independent thinkers who could see through the smokescreen of superficial changes and improvements enacted to appease the newly baptized winners in the the most corrupt game on Earth: politics and government.
In order to gain the trust and backing of the support crowd on the winning team, a demoralization and despair campaign had been ladled on real thick throughout the previous four years under Biden almost to the point of ordinary people being able to see through the ruse because it was all so ridiculous.
The cross-dressing generals, the drag queen story time, the endless cramming of 'Woke' into absolutely every tiny corner of life, the open borders streaming in hordes of ne'er-do-wells (even though some may have been genuinely seeking a new life in the US), the incessant screeching for more war against Russia, the raising of taxes in Democrat states to uncomfortable levels thereby pushing the wealthy and even the not so wealthy down into Texas and Florida—all of it to prep the ground for what was to come after.
And here we are.
We get to witness the next stage in the swindle. Probably the greatest swindle of all time. In fact, we may never see one quite as audacious again. This could be it.
You see, once you have the trust of the crowd, well earned by defeating the 'satanic pedophile elites' that wanted to force you to eat bugs and vaccinate every other month for the rest of your life to 'save the planet,' the crowd will follow you anywhere and do anything you ask like an obedient pet.
So now we have a demoralized but yet again energized and even crazier left doubling down on all their mantras and ideological fallacies until they're blue in the face as well as the hair, and the newly-formed, multifaceted right wing Trumpians and Qtards battling it out with anyone that points out the obvious, the ginormous elephant squatting in the middle of the room—the central banking cartel that pulls the strings of left, right and everything in between.
Beyond Hopium and Pyrrhic Victories
I wrote about the nasty drug Hopium here.
Enough said.
'Efficiency' can also be construed in a similar fashion. It's always lurking behind some of the most disastrous periods in history leading to the practical application of eugenics, transhumanism and the desire for a perfect order both in the past and looming in our future as it takes form again in our present.
Department of Government Efficiency sounds great on day one when the appointed Doge ruffles through the accounts of the previous administrations revealing all manner of wrongdoing and nefarious plans. However, we mustn't be naive and let down our guard when peak emotions are being triggered. We must maintain composure and realize that we may all be next in line when it comes to the application of greater efficiency, cleaning house and trimming the fat.
Will all the secret intelligence files pertaining to JFK, 9/11, Epstein and Operation COVID be opened for public review?
Or will this material be heavily redacted to protect the reputation of the current president and his appointees above all else otherwise what would be the point of the entire exercise?
The Elite Master Farmers, the Decision Makers, the String Pullers are sitting comfortably far away from the spotlight planning the next moves on the chessboard.
It could be that one of the moves involves the main characters in the stage play shooting themselves in the foot by 'accidentally' revealing embarrassing information about themselves in the DOGE cleanse.
It could be that the rug gets pulled from under the New Nerd Order kicking off a civil war in America or something resembling one as well as pulling out all the stops on China and Iran as the US implodes into bankruptcy hell.
All I can say is that it looks like fraud to me.
I mean the whole thing.
The set up—The Great Taking—followed swiftly by the Good Cop Replacement Crew bringing in The Greatest Bait and Switch Swindle of All Time.
A pantheon of lesser gods is what is being set up.
Just like in the old days of Rome when the Doge would swan around wiping the slate clean and fashioning the world around him to his taste and his taste alone while making bank and ruling over the rabble like a god.
Maybe it won't be like this at all.
Maybe we'll get some good times, peace and love and all that hippy shit will spread far and wide for once.
It's just that from where I'm standing I'm preparing myself for disappointment or at least the expectation of a middle ground where regular folk can carve out a sane and healthy path ahead that doesn't end up looking like a jab-addicted, Neo-feudal, dystopian, technocratic hell on Earth with no escape.
Is that too much to ask?
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If you DON'T think that the likes of Trump, Musk and Kennedy are not doing what they are told, you are more trusting/naive than me, which is saying something!
Even Boris Johnson admitted he had to do what he was told when he was Prime Minister. I guess he grumbled too much so didn't last long.The system picks psychopaths for the top jobs or compromised individuals.
What they are doing is changing our society and talking control of the world using psychology and technology, particularly nano technology and blockchain.
They have not spelt it out as it sounds like Brave New World rather than saving the world 🌎.
The wealthy didn't leave Democrat states because of taxes.
They write off a lot and even if they had to pay taxes, they've been high for decades.
Mostly, I think people left because of the mandates and loss of work.
This Trump thing will fail. Every time they open a door of corruption, trying to distract us, we see the corruption in the closet. Economics, medicine, war etc....
Pandora's box, the truth leaks out and the box curses the predator class.