The Savior Protocol
People yearn for a messiah. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Transhumanists, environmentalists, New Agers. End Times doom and gloom paves the way.
Please take a moment to imagine that everything you've been told is a lie. Or near enough everything. Some things may be true, but it gets tricky to sort the good info from the bad, the solid from the fuzzy wuzzy, so for the purposes of this exercise lets just go whole hog, both feet in the muck, head first into the deep end.
As a result of Operation COVID, many of you have now become skeptical of a great many things. The Science, long held by the same 'many' as a reasonably reliable authoritative source of factual, evidence-based knowledge on which to base important life decisions, is now not to be trusted. All of a sudden, it's cool to question absolutely everything. So much so, that some people literally fall off the edge of the world while others latch onto the wackiest theories with wild abandon like caged animals that get released back into the wild, rushing off in all directions all at once.
So with all this going on, the parasitic controllers (that knew this awakening would inevitably happen at some point) quietly play their final cards and sit back and watch as the world catches fire. Between sips of the finest brandy, they glance at each other knowingly barely able to contain themselves. Duper's delight is a thing after all. Just watch all the Bill Gates videos during COVID to see what I mean. Then follow up with a few Anthony Faucis to nail the point home. The telltale body language of liars, grifters and frauds gets easier to spot once you've been lied to by the best.
Setting the scene...
All is doom and gloom. Chemtrail clouds cluster on the horizon and cluster bombs fall on the beaches of Crimea. Operation Blackjack is primed and waiting in the wings to be unleashed on a, yet again, unsuspecting public.
And when it happens, the media will, yet again, run their 24/7 brainwashing engine at full speed until no mind is left behind and the New Normal establishes itself with even more certainty, locking it down, clamping it shut.
One option on the table is the full revelation of bird flu as the biggest, baddest boogeyman in the entire history of the world or at least a second best next to the rising fear associated with the capabilities of AI.
Think they can't pull it off again?
Too soon after Operation COVID?
Think again. A few well-placed mass death events entailing scary TV-marketable symptoms and we're off to the races. All the pieces are in place including improved quarantine internment camps ready and waiting for the signal to be sent.
Alternatively, we'll be dished up large scale terror attacks (Operation Blackjack) that rally the troops into a new world war that doesn't actually need to be as large scale as the precursors because TV magic can make up for any gaps and deficits in that regard.
In case you hadn't noticed, war and pandemic propaganda have been mastered. The Normies may have twitched slightly after being boosted, but are not really showing signs of waking up at all. In fact, most people at large are still fast asleep. Comatose even. Things are looking a little grim in the Great Awakening department. Maybe I'd set my hopes too high. I really thought that the beating we took during COVID and the mass vaccination campaign would switch on a giant lightbulb in the heads of Normies essentially kicking off the Great Questioning. Nope! Straight back to the football and moaning about politics they went as if COVID was never a thing.
Baby steps, I keep telling myself, except that we don't have the time for baby steps anymore. If, or rather when, all the stops are pulled out in the final scorched Earth maneuver, this beast is gonna roll down the tracks like a runaway train packed to the brim with enough TNT, plutonium and feces to make half the world wish they'd never been born.
I've written about this before here...
And here...
The most important factor in all of this unfolding narrative is the underlying economic disaster just waiting to happen. Wise economists tell us that this crash is unavoidable and that we should do our best to prepare for the worst. A collapse in the oil markets could light the fuse that blows the dam holding back worldwide supply chain chaos flooding the plains with bankruptcies, government failures and war even though war may be difficult to sustain under these circumstances. A war of Potemkin villages perhaps.
Widespread famine and the resulting disease profile would fulfil the wildest dreams of End Times cultists and provide fertile ground for the WEF crowd to enact round two of Plandemic and unleash the Fourth Industrial Revolution solution brigade in its final form.
Even after all the warnings, town criers screeching from the rooftops, the deepest proofs provided by the worlds most dogged investigators and truth seekers, I suspect most Normies will fall for it all again, hook, line and sinker. They will gladly move into the Smart City compounds, the 15 minute reservations, the locked down safe spaces if and when everything around them looks like instant death.
To a regular Normie, neither too religious nor too political, just trying to get ahead in life, the arrival of the Savior Protocol, ushered in at just the opportune moment, after everyone has been knocked sideways — something that the prominent architects of the Savior Protocol have been promising for quite some time now — will be embraced with open arms to much relief and gushing of praise directed at the benefactors.
Relocation to a 5G-infested smart city complete with CBDC-based UBI, biometric Digital ID system to keep everyone safe, and a steady stream of bug slop available in various flavors will seem like Nirvana to the desperately destitute previously entitled typical middle-class AmeroEuropean.
Either that or "You vil eat ze bugs" is the best troll ever played on mankind.
And as always, there are two or more ways to interpret this outrageous demoralization campaign. If the Neo-Malthusians are correct this time and it's true that much, if not all, of the world's economic activity is winding down and showing signs that we're near the final crunch, then why would the insane self-appointed decision-makers be going to so much insane trouble to let us all know that something insane is afoot?
Maybe it's true that there really are several factions at the top all pulling in different directions. Is it possible that conspiracy researchers have been on a wild goose chase, always looking for the one neat answer with a tidy bow on top, one cohesive cabal that rules over the entire world and sets policy in lockstep while feigning internal conflict?
We can observe the cohesive unity in action when the WHO gives orders to every country in the world and every country obeys without question, but we can also observe the disharmony among leading factions that, on the one hand, push transhumanism and technocracy while, on the other, recommend a return to Christian Nationalism, family values, simplicity and common sense morality.
One side believes that they and the entire planet will be saved by policies that follow the green agenda, carbon taxes, strict zoning laws, relocation to smart city enclosures, integration of AI into all areas of life favoring the advancement of machines, especially hybrid biorobotics platforms, improvements in longevity science for the extremely wealthy and privileged, and the expansion into orbit around Earth with the goal of colonizing other planets in the solar system.
The other dominant somewhat reactionary faction sees what the Technocrats are up to and how far they've come in their plans to emancipate the world (for themselves) and rallies the Judeo-Christian-National-Zionist Patriots and the disenfranchised to take back the world from these mad scientist, entitled, Luciferian, Kabbala-worshipping globalists.
At least that's the narrative we're sold. It's a narrative that completely ignores the history pertaining to the collapse of empires. It's a narrative that sells the idea that we can turn the clock back to a more prosperous era, a time when America was on the up and up, when the black gold flowed easily out of the ground and we didn't have to drill deep into the ocean bed just to keep the wheels on the bus turning.
It's easy to dismiss the Cassandra-like warnings of Paul Ehrlich and the Limits to Growth authors. Their predictions (to date) never seem to come to fruition. I would suggest that it's still early days. We've had a reprieve of sorts that has lasted more than a decade. Money printing schemes by other more creative names such as Quantitative Easing and Modern Monetary Theory have simply extended the game a little longer much like extra time after a soccer match. Soon we'll get to the penalties and then the game will end. Or so they say.
I've always suggested that these models attempting to predict the future are deeply flawed and can't possibly contain all the variables required to make an accurate assessment of life on Earth, but we've been under such a determined barrage of propaganda and global government anti-human policies that I'm starting to think that they're doing what they're doing because everything really is going to implode.
And this is where the dedicated "Truther" steps in to tell us how the globalists are deliberately tanking the economy and setting off all the fireworks because they want to cull the population and make the entire Earth theirs and theirs alone.
And my reaction, at times, to all of this back and forth has been to suggest that we're all being taken for a ginormous ride, a ride with very real consequences, but a ride nonetheless.
So what's really going on here?
I think multiple scenarios are being enacted simultaneously. The Savior Protocol comes with a readymade savior for every player on the board, one that satisfies the mindset of any and all potential seekers of solutions to the world's problems.
For example, anti-vaxxers and people questioning germ theory in general would love for Big Pharma to take a hit and for the medical industry to be revamped into something new that aligns with their values.
And the vaccine pushers would like to pass legislation that enables governments to round up the 'dangerous' antivaxxers so that good Normies can be saved with yet more injections added to the vaccine schedule.
The same people that were posting their support for Ukrainian soldiers and demanded that shipments of weapons and ammo be sent to help kill Russians then turn around and say that the Israeli government must stop their war against Hamas.
All war is evil. It's completely unnecessary in the modern world. There are enough resources to go around. They're just not evenly distributed. The lies and propaganda required to make people do evil things proves that it's not something that comes very naturally to most people. Wars are invented to create the negative pull, the gravity well, that results in salvation through the creation of entities such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Global Governance Summit, the BRICS etc etc.
That's one type of salvation that is forthcoming. Another is the biblical promise that Christians will be raptured before the fireworks get too hot to handle. These scenarios can be created, at least to some extent, so that biblical prophecy appears to be fulfilled thereby satisfying the faithful and allowing for a messianic character to take to the stage for the final act.
For the environmentalists, the Stop Oilers, the "there's too many people" crowd, they would welcome mass starvation as a form of salvation for the planet once they realize that their dream of 'renewables and EVs for all' is an improbable bet even in the long term.
Fusion power as the savior of mankind has been postponed yet again until 2039. At what point do we simply admit that something may not be worth pursuing?
We're promised that better batteries will one day save the entire world sustaining our addiction to electrical goods until we become cyborgs. But will the batteries ever be good enough? Thank you John B. Goodenough for getting us this far.
Artificial intelligence and robotics will grant us the ability to solve all our problems. AI will smooth out all the kinks caused by human nature. If we hand over the decision-making to a non-human entity then everything will be just fine. Again, what could possibly go wrong?
Space X wants to save the world with reusable rockets. To the moon, mars, infinity and beyond.
A hydrogen economy will fix everything if and when a hydrogen economy is feasible.
Orbital weapons systems based on the Artemis platform could bring about world peace with a Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads. But didn't we already make that claim when MAD or Mutual Assured Destruction was a thing? It appears that nuclear Armageddon is still very much on the table.
And, of course, Lord Putin looks set to play the role of at least one of the savior characters that will eventually turn into the ultimate villains. If the decision-makers really want to pull out all the stops they can dangle some fake aliens in front of the crowds and see how many fall for it. At this point, it may even be just to see how much the Normies will chug down without batting an eyelid. They may even throw in some holograms of angels paving the way for Jesus and Mary, but then what would the Hindus say?
Which begs the question...
How do you make every knee bow to a single entity?
If you really want to unify everyone under the Savior Protocol you need to find common ground among all the disparate factions that make up humanity. Off the top of my head, I would go with technology since pretty much everyone in the world accepts some form of technology in their life. And that technology is laced with software and the software is starting to do incredible things.
If you haven't taken a look a this document yet I suggest you do so and let it sink in...
As a species, we're already worshipping at the altar of AI and robotics. We've been brainwashed to be fearful of these things but in reality most people take to using all manner of technological devices to the point that these devices become a permanent fixture in our lives and a prosthetic extension of our bodies, smartphones being the dominant case in point.
In my first novel, Pulse, I suggest that a Global AI Network or GAIN will rise up and become the dominant tool wielded by powerful elites known as Sentients. This conceptual organization is loosely based on the real world vision that a Global Brain will one day manage all human affairs.
Proponents of the global brain hypothesis claim that the Internet increasingly ties its users together into a single information processing system that functions as part of the collective nervous system of the planet. The intelligence of this network is collective or distributed: it is not centralized or localized in any particular individual, organization or computer system. Therefore, no one can command or control it. Rather, it self-organizes or emerges from the dynamic networks of interactions between its components. This is a property typical of complex adaptive systems.
The World Wide Web in particular resembles the organization of a brain with its web pages (playing a role similar to neurons) connected by hyperlinks (playing a role similar to synapses), together forming an associative network along which information propagates. This analogy becomes stronger with the rise of social media, such as Facebook, where links between personal pages represent relationships in a social network along which information propagates from person to person. Such propagation is similar to the spreading activation that neural networks in the brain use to process information in a parallel, distributed manner.
So there you have it.
Is this the god-like human-machine entity that is already saving us by becoming a part of us, an extension of our minds, a lever that lifts us all to the next level?
Or are we being used to create something that replaces us?
A global nervous system, the physical infrastructure of which includes fiber-optic cables, Starlink satellite constellations, self-driving vehicles, surveillance cameras, biometric scanning devices, machine learning data centers, AI chips shoved into everything, until the Internet of things and human bodies starts to look undeniably like the dystopian nightmare that was predicted in so many science-fiction novels.
For the time being, billions of dollars of investment are being dumped into the latest AI projects chasing AGI (artificial general intelligence) and this will allegedly introduce human-level automation capabilities across many industries and job types.
But is this the true goal behind the development of AGI?
To replace human workers?
Human workers are mostly carrying out tasks for other humans that can't be bothered to carry out those tasks themselves. We outsource practically everything these days. We have thousands of slave-like workers scuttling around in faraway places so that we can spend middle class wages on trinkets.
If we take a closer look at the history of AI development, the true goal appears to be the creation of a god-like entity. In order to achieve this goal, the entity must be trained in the field of human activity which just happens to be the global economy in its current form.
This entity fits the description of the Golem — a monstrous creation crafted from whatever materials happen to be available. A creation that will do its master's bidding and, as the story goes, usually ends up destroying everything in its path before turning on its master in the final act.
These modern day mages tinkering in their laboratories think they can place controls on their creation, keeping it obedient, keeping it safe. This is known as alignment, alignment with human values and the question immediately pops up — which humans and who's values?
Human Golems
Religious human beings follow codes of conduct. They adhere to overly simplified moral rules that apply to themselves and their brethren. These rules can be twisted and modified under special circumstances especially when dealing with hostile 'others.' Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal soon become The Crusades when the cult leaders sense their survival may be at stake.
One can't be a cucked, sheeplike, indentured servant for long before human nature and animal drives seek a reversal, flipping the situation on its head. This is what we see rising up in Europe, the UK and North America. People have been hit over the head with the liberal dynamite stick on the one hand and poked with the rabble rousing cattle prod on the other.
The controlled, scripted, well-funded, tightly organized alt-media took up positions to ply their trade with military precision and timing. What you see unfolding, especially in the aftermath of Operation COVID, is a well-coordinated push to herd the awakened into the arms of the long-planned, ready and waiting, Savior Protocol.
One only has to behold the fervor that manifests when a hero character is brought forth. The disillusioned, the distraught, the disenfranchised, the 'just about had it up to here with all the bullshit' crowd, readily jump on whatever slop is offered up as the remedy for their woes — in this case, El Trumpo Magnifico and the red hat MAGA movement.
In Russia, Sith Lord Putin has been playing a similar role for quite some time now. The details and methods may vary but essentially what these characters, these avatars, bring to the table are a set of traditional values that the rabble can cling to and rally round as they usher in the preplanned, palatable, soft-version world order that kicks the overtly nefarious, hammy, James Bond villain alternative to the curb.
Obviously, as I hope you can see by now, this is not exactly what I would call winning. We are being led up the garden path to the slaughter house and the farm animals are cheering and whooping because the old nasty farmer is being replaced by a friendly substitute that whispers nice things in the farm animal's ears.
It bears repeating even though the repetition doesn't seem to be sinking in. The BRICS + a bunch of has been, wannabe commie/fascist dictatorships are not your friend. They are not going to save you. The Savior Protocol is another fraud, a ruse, a sham, a bait and switch, a trick, a trap, a pulling out of the rug from under your feet.
So what can we do?
I am always reluctant to play the 'hit them with reality card.' People want optimism. They want hope. They feel they have been lied to, deceived, conned, bamboozled, bled dry, and thrown on the scrap heap of history. They want payback. They're thirsty for retribution. They want to set things right, to right the wrongs that have been wrought upon them throughout many lifetimes. They want to win for a change, to be on top, to run the show according to their own values, desires, needs and wants and to strip life of the corporate protocols that they've been subjected to for so long under parasitic rule and dominance.
The thing is... the parasites have known this would happen and being shapeshifters have planned ahead accordingly. They saw the drop in mainstream media viewership and created or co-opted the alternative. This alternative has become an incredibly lucrative industry in and of itself and could one day become the mainstream, blending some of the old narratives with the new, and above all, steering the awakening minds into the arms of the New Boss that has simply replaced the old.
As usual, I think a good place to start would be to educate yourself about the deeper workings of the Savior Protocol. It's not complicated. It just requires an open mind and the understanding that we've been lied to by crooks about a great many things. If you can handle that reality drop you'll do just fine.
Brendon O' Connell video on how America is being dismantled and the saviors are being lined up to swoop in and save the day...
Redefining God blog is a useful read for insights into the Great Con Job being played on humanity.
So what kind of savior do you think will be used to lead people to the preplanned land of milk and honey?
How about this guy...
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It sounds a bit far from what they can do.
For example, 15 minute cities are already crowded. How can they expect more people to fit?
I think they expected us to fold into authoritarian dystopia because of covid. They expected the result not unlike from the movie V For Vendetta where an actual deadly pathogen set the stage for quarantines, fighting, etc.
Instead we got a faked pandemic because biological weapons do not work (Latypova explains a lot of this).
They thought they could fool us by relabeling the normal sickness as caused by it, along with the harmful interventions.
They failed because their psychological models were incorrect.
So now we stand at the climate change angle.
I am already seeing cracks at the surface in many places.
People are subconsciously not trusting authority. That's why they stopped taking boosters. That's why they didn't fall for mpox and now bird flu.
In a time of economic constriction caused by predatory capitalism, people do not have "space" to abide by what the climate change schemers are trying to push on us.
They messed up with the internet too.
Oh and AI is hype hype hype. Why did they leave in the "bug" of hallucinating fake books and authors in the Google bard PRE recorded (!) show? Because it's there to try and make us think it's self aware 😂.
They messed up in many ways.... I think con-vid was originally supposed to happen later but some dummy pushed it up to 2020. Like all bad management, they are blind to the intricacies of the project. That's why everything was ham fisted with power as even today they are trying to push bird flu as the next big thing, even though the reports are such a joke!