Very good. There have been a couple of high profile TV shows on UK screens recently about scary cyberattacks - definitely predictive programming. Interesting and telling if the WEF crowd has been "wargaming" this, especially if controlling the media is a big part of the gaming agenda. I assume they have to have the cyberattack before central bank digitial coupons are introduced - so soon?

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Yes, I think Utopia (Uk and Us versions) is another good example of scripts letting us know what will happen ahead of time. Sterilizing bioweapons in that one apparently. The cyberattack itself is not on my radar at present. I believe the Artemis module currently in orbit is a weapons delivery platform manned by the US Space Force directive. Dropping a guided rod from orbit would create a nuke-like explosion in the desired time and place sufficient to "rock the whole world" into a state of shock. For that and subsequent blame game, the lights would need to be on. Maybe at a later date or instead of the above, a large cyberattack can be faked (by turning the power off) and blaming it all on "Russian scum" or the Chicoms! Anything is possible at this stage, but the prophecy obssesives specifically detail "fiery stones from heaven" to punish sinners and Artemis (the archer) lines up nicely with that scenario.

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That makes me wonder if the Ancient Apocalypse series on Netflix is also not predictive programming - about the fall of a past advanced civilization being destroyed by debris from a comet colliding with the earth.

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Ok that's interesting! There's certainly a lot of pushback for that series (as if there haven't been a bazillion like it on The History Channel - and far less restrained). Regardless of whether Hancocks claims have any validity to them or not, this raises the attention bar and people tune in. They end up receiving the message/mind virus in one way or another. The when something unusual happens they'll have a reference. Our brains tend not to react to things they haven't been previously trained for so I think that's the mechanism. I've also spotted some of the usual alt-media propagandists talking about comets and debris falling to Earth recently. All a bit of coincidence I'm sure. It's not as if we can do much about these kinds of tricks anyway but it may help if some us don't fall completely under their spell when others are running around like headless chicken littles! I've started watching the series. Looks good so far.

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There was also that film "Don't Look Up". Must say, I thoroughly enjoyed the series, and am drawn to Hancock...

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Yes. I watched Don't Look Up. It felt like obvious "awkward"propaganda to me. We're drowing in the stuff!

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