Dystopia For Dummies - A Step By Step Guide
Are we living in a technocratic dystopia? How did we end up here? What can we do to survive and thrive when technology dominates our lives?
So... you're hell-bent on world domination. And you've hit a bit of a dry patch. Things have slowed down. You're not hitting your milestones as quick as you'd like. The herd is starting to drift and lose interest.
Well... here's the perfect, prepackaged remedy for all your ills...
When all else fails... it's time to roll up your sleeves and create a godawful technocratic dystopia!
Dystopias are often characterized by fear or distress, tyrannical governments, environmental disaster, or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Themes typical of a dystopian society include: complete control over the people in a society through the usage of propaganda and police state tactics, heavy censoring of information or denial of free thought, worshiping an unattainable goal, the complete loss of individuality, and heavy enforcement of conformity.
"But Tsubion, how can a godawful technocratic dystopia possibly help me achieve my goals of world domination and kakistocracy? Surely, the herd would scatter even more than they have been and at some point maybe even start a revolution to scupper my plans. And then what would become of me? I would be a schmuck just like everyone else."
A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Patience my young and feisty wannabe kakistocrat. All shall be revealed. First we must establish a few ground rules. Then I'll guide you step-by-step along the path to a godawful, technocratic dystopia while you check off all the major milestones and avoid the most dastardly of pitfalls.
The ground rules are simple...
You must be utterly ruthless putting aside childish things such as empathy and concern towards your subjects. They are your pawns, pieces on the chessboard to be used, squeezed dry for all they're worth, then tossed aside and replaced with new generations of slaves, servants and sycophants.
Never reveal your true identity as architect of the dystopia. Allow your minions to be the forward-facing public agents of your enterprise. Live your entire life in a monastery if you have to. Clear up any breadcrumbs as soon as they appear.
Teach your offspring the ways of the occult ruler so that they may follow in your footsteps and continue to build on the foundation stone that you placed. Honor the spirit that enticed you to begin your journey. Never forget that without the energetic impulse from the source of all things you would not even exist. Allow that energy to flow through you and all of your kin.
Guard the holy secret well. Distract, deflect, disguise, divert. Do whatever it is you have to do to lead curious minds and inquisitive souls astray.
Never let your guard down.
Fail to abide by these fundamental rules and your enterprise will fail, crashing on the rocks of human history, your name dragged through the mud for all time, your soul mocked, ridiculed and torn apart by ravenous demonic entities that eagerly await the fallen. Alas, someone has to mop up the mess left behind by failures.
And now for your step-by-step guide...
So, you made it to first base. You're the shaman of your tribe. You've mastered the art of mind-control by shaking your stick, wearing a funny hat and predicting eclipses. You take copious amounts of hallucinogenic drugs and the many gods speak through you, or at least that's what you tell the other members of your tribe.
Okay, it's time to expand your horizons. The hunter-gatherer lifestyle just isn't cutting it. Lets start a farm and get all those tribe members growing all the food and making useful stuff in their down time like scary costumes and weapons for successful terror raids on neighboring farms and villages. Carry these terror attacks out at night and make sure to follow up with stories of monsters so the trauma really sinks in becoming generational and part of the collective genetic memory.
Next up, lets build a city. Surround it with walls. Tell your citizens that the walls help keep the city safe from raiders, wild animals and demons which, of course, they do, but when the time comes, the great, big, beautiful walls will also do a fine job keeping everyone inside and under your control.
Introduce a cult-like worship of gods of your own making. Get your most talented scribes on the job. Create an entire pantheon of characters, all with their own unique qualities and demands. Fill your stories with a litany of side characters and never-ending quests. The more the merrier. Your captive citizens will lap it up and meet all the demands of these petulant, preening, flamboyant prima donnas that sit on their little clouds all day. Why? Because you're going to terrorize them with godly outrage and punishment in the form of thunderbolts, famine and pestilence if they don't prostrate themselves at the feet of enormous statues representing the many gods dotted throughout the city. You'd better get your top sculptors to churn those out right away and your architects to build the most impressive temples they can muster. I'm not going to lie, this could be your main source of income if you know how to pour on the pain and suffering. The indulgences, tithes, gifts and favors will keep flowing to you and yours if you play your cards right. The special treatment proffered to god's representatives, your high priests, pharisees, shamans and soothsayers will also turn them into your most loyal pieces on the grand chessboard. Just watch for any backstabbing because they can be very backstabby what with all the knowledge and power they acquire. Make sure to keep them on a short leash. If they try anything sneaky, feed them to the crocodiles, make a big display so that the others get the message.
Once you have a decent sized city established you'll need to create a government with politicians and a city guard. Start with a council of elders where your most elite members make all the important decisions. Reward them well. Then gradually allow for the impression that all citizens are involved in the decision-making process. Maintain this illusion with evermore ingenious strategies and tricks while you continue to centralize all power and wealth under your command. The more power and wealth you obtain the more ingenious strategies and tricks you will be able to conjure up and this is where your high priests, scribes and soothsayers will rise to new levels of importance. The ability of your politicians to make promises and never keep them while keeping the citizens divided and distracted... this skill alone will be of immense importance to you later on in your journey when the necessity arises to extend and pretend during periods of severe transitional woes.
Learn to manage the cycles of scarcity and abundance, of want and plenty. In times of plenty throw feasts and festivals of all kinds. Drown your citizens in entertainments, entice them into the stadiums to watch ball games, bullfighting and cart racing. It really doesn't matter as long as they believe that they are extremely fortunate to be able to spend their time and money in such ways. They will thank you for it and beg for more. And now you have another very lucrative source of income. Reinvest it well. In times of want impose restrictions on the usual activities. Tell the citizens to tighten their belts, to consume less for the good of all. Increase taxes saying funds will be donated to the most needy. Throw them a few breadcrumbs and pocket the rest. Use some funds to increase the power and reach of your city guard. Equip them with heavy duty armor and weapons. Take the leash off. Allow your dogs to bark and bite. Carry out some false flags and organize protests to create the illusion that a heavier hand is required. A police state is your ultimate goal after all and there are plenty of goons that will do your bidding for a handful of coin.
At this stage in your development it would be wise to master the art of war. Deception is key. In fact, deception, occultation, distraction, sleight of hand, and manipulation or bending of reality may be the most important skills of all to master and use in your quest for dystopian control of the world. War itself can be used as a potent distraction when the heat is being turned up and the anxious, angry populace point a finger in your direction. Conjure up a conflict with your rivals. I'm sure you can come to an agreement that satisfies all parties while subduing the plebs. You'll be getting some of the strongest among them to fight each other thereby reducing the possibility of an uprising - one of the most dangerous persistent threats to your ongoing enterprise. That said, revolutions can be instigated to your advantage in rival cities and nations. A few whispers in the right ears and the world is your oyster. And remember, all wars are wars created, financed and executed by you. Control is paramount. Always follow the rules of engagement. After all, that's why you created them so that anomalous events never catch you off guard. Always be prepared for contingency deviations. You must plan ahead further than everyone else. Cover all angles. Black swans mean nothing to you. You eat black swans for breakfast. The overarching goal is resource acquisition and expansion of territory under your command but it's fine to take two steps forward and one step back when necessary.
When the time comes, an industrial revolution allows you to up your game and to really start thinking in terms of a planetary-wide operation. Put your best boffins to work developing military-grade communications and computing technology. Set up a projects agency. May I suggest naming it something like DARPA. Sounds great huh? You'll be funding all the high level projects with tax payer money and telling your tax payers that all the tech is for their own good and to make everything in their lives easier and more convenient. Trust me, this trick works like a charm. They'll go from using copper wire landlines to the most advanced portable personal snitch devices in next to no time. You won't even have to chip the buggers because they will voluntarily carry their control chips around with them every single day wherever they go. As your boffins continue to come up with sophisticated upgrades, introduce them to the smart city dwellers gradually so that they routinely perceive that there's something new they absolutely cannot do without. Smartphones, wireless headsets, augmented reality glasses - you get the idea. When the punters are ready to accept the next level then inject them with nanotech using any excuse that works, lets say a fake pandemic. And after a grace period - so as not to spook the herd - hook them up to the 5G network that you installed while everyone was locked up in their slave quarters. Then you can roll out 6G, 7G and every iteration of G that you fancy because at that point you'll pretty much have a captive audience, a herd of mind-controlled zombies that believe absolutely every drop of juicy propaganda beamed down from your own personal satellite network directly into their Neuralink brain implants.
Your dystopia is well under way when you see these indicators among the captive audience...
Obsession with pleasure - dopamine.
Entertainment blends with politics and science.
Satanic panic music industry in everyone's ears - headphones shutting out the natural world.
Games - repetition, grind, reward, dopamine - all based on psychology and the casino model.
Porn - self pleasure and a slippery slope into perversion spread across all platforms and social media.
Social media - infinite scrolling, dopamine, content, content, content.
They repeat what's on TV as if it's true.
They regurgitate 'facts' and 'truths' from their text books as if they're true.
They display zero discernment.
They lose their ability to think critically.
They turn into sedentary clicking organisms that collect crumbs on their pot bellies.
Alcohol and other drugs are widely available to all and accepted as a means of coping with dystopia.
Prescription antidepressant drugs are available to all.
Forced vaccination becomes mandatory and unavoidable.Are some of your citizens stubbornly holding on to antiquated values of liberty, individual rights, happiness and optimism?
If so, then this is for you...
How to stop people waking up and escaping your dystopia.
Roll out the nihilists, the black pill merchants, the doom and gloom brigade, the end-times cultists.
Shut down any remaining free speech across all platforms.
Arrest CEOs of disobedient platforms thereby causing a chilling effect among the other upstarts.
Attempt to lock down the entire world again this time in the name of climate change or a new fake pandemic or a radiation scare.
Round up dissenters and dump them in the camps that you've been preparing for just such an occasion. Make an example of them. The others will think twice before following in their footsteps.
Provide a constant stream of optimistic science and technology news...
We're going to Mars.
We're going back to the Moon.
We're building space stations.
We're mining asteroids.
We're dropping our fossil fuel habit.
Solid state batteries will save the world.
Vaccines will rid the world of disease for ever and ever amen.
Fake food will allow us to stop slaughtering animals just to nourish our bodies.
And when the going gets really tough...
Create a panopticon - a voluntary panopticon where all the residents believe they are all watching each other for the betterment of society.
Flouridate the water supply and all dental products.
Get everyone hooked on video games even granny.
Get everyone hooked on AI.
Get everyone hooked on convenience and doing everything at the tap of a screen.
Reroute all resources to AI and data centers and cut back on all resource use for humans except for those that maintain their digital prison grid.
Get people to worship AI and robots and to love the idea of being replaced by them.
Soothe the minds of the curious and the nervous and unsettled by telling them stories about a Universal Basic Income but never explain the impossible math involved.
Drown them in stories, opinions and reports of how wonderful the near future will be when the much promised technological breakthroughs finally arrive.
Robots will do all the dull, dirty, dangerous work.
AI will be the brains of the world and will solve problems that have been holding us back as a space-faring civilization.
CBDC will revolutionize the world of money and keep everyone safe from criminal activity by tracking everything and everyone.
Universal Biometric Digital ID will keep everyone safe online. It's for the children. Remember, it's always for the children, and not to restrict your own individual rights and freedoms.
Some government media broadcast reports you are free to use...
"Vaccines have finally become mandatory and cover the gamut of infectious diseases. Don't listen to the conspiracy theorists. Listen to us. We are right. They are wrong. We are saving lives. The fact that population numbers are imploding has nothing to do with the routine monthly injections. Please look the other way if you come across these obviously false data reports. Everything is perfectly okay. We are the government and we are here to help."
"The global eugenics program surges ahead thanks to your cooperation. As a responsible citizen we must remind you that a monthly check to see if you are still a valid contributor to the human/AI merger is paramount. If your results classifies you as a useless eater please report immediately to your nearest euthanasia capsule. Thank you for your cooperation."
You made it!
Well done. You've now achieved full control and dominion over Earth humans. Your technocratic dystopia is complete. You can now stop pretending that you were trying to save the planet by following all the IPCC recommendations and shoving renewable energy projects, battery powered vehicles, carbon taxes and asteroid mining down the throats of the gullible citizens.
So what now?
What will you decide to do with your hard earned prize?
Will you allow everything to crumble to dust after having squeezed all the fun out of your project?
Or will you sit atop your prison planet for the rest of time?
Maybe your boffins could solve the immortality problem allowing you to expand your horizons maybe setting your sights on the rest of the solar system and beyond?
You'll have to solve faster than light travel, wormhole activation, and all that other stuff but it should be a cinch for your AI boffins by then.
All the best and thanks for playing!
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