Sep 25Liked by Tsubion

It's easier to prove poisoning than genetic modification caused by the shots.

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But really, the COVID shots are a form of poisoning, even if the lipids are not toxic, they build up.

Moderna had issues with it way way before con-vid and mRNA.


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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Author

Yes, I think we can all agree that the lipid particles are a form of poisoning. Do you think there exists any mechanism for replication contained in the jabs or are all side effects caused by the lipids and their ability to cross barriers in the body?

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I think it's mostly the lipids clogging up which is why in my article I cited a paper that said non mRNA shots based on LNPs still cause myocarditis for example.

I don't think any of the tech works, replication etc is just a pipe dream to sell the idea... 😂

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Yes Rob, I'm slowly coming around to your way of thinking. I'll get there eventually.

So many things I read over the years thinking it had to be true because it came from authoritative sources but now everything looks very sketchy indeed. I question absolutely everything now especially anything coming from these Big Pharma firms.

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These days I question DNA which is the basis of this "high tech" stuff. Notice how both the non mRNA and mRNA shots got clotting issues? So the story of DNA RNA is to sell the mythology of the vaccine 😂


And some funny stories about DNA here


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Sep 25Liked by Tsubion

Have you seen Dr Segalla's videos? Chemist. rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos

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Have bookmarked for later. Looks interesting. One of the comments says 90% will die off in the next few years. Not sure that's a likely outcome. There appear to be enough clean up protocols to help the worst cases.

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The LNP part states on document, research only, not to be used on humans, animals, or used parentally? (via injection). I suppose injecting billions is research, experimental, but goes against supplier purpose. We are now seeing stage 4 cancers occurring, I know of several recently diagnosed ones, all ages, more in mid/older groups.

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Hi James. Yes, I believe we're looking at a mass poisoning event from whatever was in the shots. The other theories haven't really amounted to much even though many people still push them. I generally agree with Tom Cowan that the deeper we dig the less evidence we find for any of these scientific claims so I think we're due for a complete rethink on everything we thought to be established truth.

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