This election, like every election is claimed to be the most important ever.

Bullshit. All the candidates serve the same master, the economic system that promotes corruption and greed. (Yes, even Kennedy!) They're all slaves to that system.

But there is a positive to Trump. He's so full of himself that even though he's doing the bidding of the system, he slips out the truth. He said we're in Syria for the oil 😂 !

I can't say that about other candidates. If anything, they're too polished and like you said, appeal to children. Back when Bernays started his PR aka propaganda, the average emotional age of Americans was around 12. That's the age at which a child learns why they have to follow the group.

Today, I think we are in adolescence and the same tricks don't work. We are starting to question the fairy tales told to us.


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Oh, I completely forgot to mention the US election cycle and hype! It's certainly the loudest, most bombastic, money grubbing spectacle of any country. And basically amounts to a not so subtle show of bribery.

But isn't that how the world really works if we're honest about it?

Two years of pumping candidates up to the final day (still a year left of this shit) is unbearable though. Especially when you know how fake it all is.

Whatever people say about Trump now after Convid, many US voters and non-voters, myself included, loved what Trump was achieving above all else... and that was to make liberal heads explode!

Someone had to break that spell, the sanctimonious bullshit coming from that camp.

But I think Trump's always been conflicted, a lifelong liberal Democrat, and politicians swap sides in America when it suits them. He backs most of the cultural liberal nonsense deep down, and pays lip service to their whims, but then takes a sledgehammer to climate change and the renewables biz favoring the oil industry and America first over China.

Even if he is in some ways controlled, compromised, probably more now than ever, the Trump train still remains the only game in town for American politics. There is no alternative, no middle ground, no independent path that can hold America together.

Here in Spain, on a much smaller scale, we're going through a similar infiltration, subjugation, separation process trying to rip this already tiny country apart. It's loyal nationalists vs progressive commies. Always has been and if history repeats... a strong general wins in the end... for a while... then back to letting our guard down.

I think everything is about resources in the end.

With a little religion sprinkled in to spice things up.

Adolescence is good. I'll take it. We can work with that. Although, too many right now think communism is the greatest thing evah!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Tsubion

The biggest problem with Trump not being in office is he cannot stop talking about himself.

Funny how he could save the world if he only had a special title, but when he had that special title, he couldn't even save himself from being plundered.

Much better(?); no, more FUN when he's talking about others. Much more like a Mad Magazine of snappy put-downs. Perhaps a graduate of the Don Rickle's Charm School.

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He was a good stand up comedian!

He's getting on a bit now. If his "team" wins next year will we see the Goldman Sachs boys back in charge? Pence, Kushner, Bannon, maybe some new faces waiting in the wings?

There's so much that can happen between now and then and most people are burned out with it all.

I predict apathy with a side dish of Space Force.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Tsubion

I'm afraid that his team will win next year. I think that it's all part of 'The Plan'. Desantis little skit at the vinyard was a test for public opinion, and you and I know what it was.

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