No need to think it's 5g.

It could have been the flu shots of previous season.

A family member went through similar in 2018 after he got his shots. It could have been an allergic reaction.... Also most of those who got bad covid had multiple comorbidities.

Think about it, these people are regularly in medical care for issues and the COVID hype funneled them into ventilators and toxic drugs ....

Here's the article with Northern Tracey article on anaphylaxis, the real bio weapon.


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Sep 9·edited Sep 10Author

Thanks Rob.

My mother was very sensitive to certain ingredients in medical products. She got the regular flu shots in those very same years up to COVID when the ingredients had been 'updated' allegedly. I'd read about some people having bad reactions to these new ingredients. Her kidneys went to zero over the same period and she died in Jan 2021 after all manner of unnecessary end of life treatments during a short stay in hospital.

She managed to avoid a COVID diagnosis and I was able to stop nurses from trying to test her in her last days. They were actually quite understanding about that and thought it was just a little bit ridiculous.

I think this is why I hate the system of following protocols so much. They have their place in emergency medicine but something has gone horribly wrong in the medical system when doctors and nurses act like robots and are simply not allowed to question anything or they lose their job to the next person in line.

So yes, I'm very open to the idea that the regular flu shots could have caused an uptick in disease during that time as well as other medications that were being promoted such as Remdesivir which is also known to affect kidneys and cause respiratory distress.

I've just bounced off a normie substack where the commenters are ranting about anti-vaxxers and COVID-19 deniers! It's like another world out there, even here within the same platform. And I'm afraid I really can't be bothered to engage with these types anymore. It's been four years and they are still mostly clueless. Then again, this was a Phd veterinarian complaining about popular, well-paid contrarian substacks having a voice. I'm sure if he had his way we would all be censored into oblivion!

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Sep 12Liked by Tsubion

This is good stuff - (so much substack, so little time) - here' a guy coming in Aug 2021 - UK academic - with a well-argued, detailed version of the "cover for economic collapse" line of thought.

https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/ - he has other stuff out there at this source and others - he - and obviously, this blog as well - should be better known.

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Thanks, RegretLeft. Much appreciated. Fantastic article by the way. Bookmarked for further reading. Really makes me wonder where all this is going to end up. It's easy to say collapse is inevitable based on the behavior we're witnessing and the lengths that the elite will go to to extend the ponzi a while longer. Some say another 10-20 years in the core which I think is sufficient for some kind of transformation to take place. And that depends on certain aspects of the complex system holding together during the process. What will it look like? That's anyone's guess. We're talking survival here so the 'organism' can potentially morph into whatever keeps it alive. Otherwise it'll be every man for himself and and a bit of a shitshow!

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