I think they have already started by converting existing cities via the "15 minute city" schemes that are cropping up eveywhere... here is a facebook post I posted on this the other day...

"Given all the plans/proposals for 15 or 20 minute cities, that will greatly restrict residents freedom of movement, that are cropping up simultaneously all over the country (and the world), who is giving all these seemingly separate town councillors and planners their instructions to do this?

Where is this idea coming from?

Who is incentivising elected town respresentatives to implement this, even though they have no electoral mandate to do it whatsoever (such radical changes were never put but forward to the electorate, nor voted on, nor were in the manifestoes of councillors)?

What incentives make this worth it for them, even when they know this will be deeply unpopular, likely ousting from office at the next election, and even knowing the abuse and threats they will get for doing it?

What other schemes do those who are willing and able to get this implemented suddenly and everywhere at the same time have planned for us? If we tolerate this, what will be next?"

Here is the marketing for one such scheme in Bristol in the UK https://liveablebristol.org.uk/

[ps why does the Line look like a prison?]

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You're right, cities have been going down this path for a long time already. CCTV cameras, red line no parking routes, no private vehicles, zone-based fees and taxation, gentrification + new political views (which pushes out existing locals). Smartphones and online everything have pretty much taken care of the rest! Not sure we need anything fancier than that to put the blinders on the sheep. They voluntarily go along with all new measures.

The line looks like a prison because it is one!

I think the owners of the central banks pass the memo along to all the corporations and governments and they obediently carry out their orders or else. Lockstep came into full view after 2020 but it's always been there.

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Feb 23, 2023Edited
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I think it's extremely possible that America possesses exotic weapons that make conventional warfare obsolete. The best outcome is that America uses this power to establish world peace. But I think we've heard that story before and it didn't work out too well.

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Feb 25, 2023
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This is probably the future of medicine. Thanks for the tips.

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It is a prison for cyborg 2.0 altered humans , and we know who is behind that dont we , so we also know who via centralized planning and control is behind these nightmares dont we. The NEW definition of inclusive = every imaginable form of equal enslavement for EVERYONE.

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Yes, communism with a pink bow on top!

I think this rollout is obviously a boogeyman that will be struck down by the "heroes" once they enter stage left.

The New World Order is always set up to fail.

Then we get the softer version that everyone more or less finds palatable.

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Great post, very well written. Cross-posted. Thanks a lot xx

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Thank you!

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Thanks for the cross post.

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There's an interesting movie called Realive from 2016 about a man who chooses to be frozen until the future when he could be cured. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4074928/

Things aren't as good as they seem with this kind of technology.

Perhaps mortality is what helps us stay sharp.

After all, survival is why we have intelligence.

Without the need to naturally survive, one will probably become psychopathic or dull. The body might live long, but there's no drive to stay sharp!

It would just be easier to stop poisoning people and giving them bad health advice. Reducing stress also helps, but this economy pretty much runs on stress and mania.

I think covid, despite being hyped up beyond reason, gave people a reminder that death can happen. I think that's also why many avoid considering that the shots are dangerous, despite naturally avoiding the shots themselves. It's like humanity reconnected to the wisdom of the body, albeit at a price.

There will always be nutjobs like Kurzweil who hopes to live long enough to be uploaded into some computer to live forever. Notice how these people tend to be from the tech industry?

Their religion is this singularity type crap as their savior, like the heaven of major religion.

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Hey Tom... by the look of it you haven't signed up for this yet... https://www.alcor.org/

This reminds me of Egyptians and their mummies as well as other cultures that believed they could be revived at a later date and those creepy underground crypts all over Europe where the Draugr (undead) come back to life and stumble around annoying the living https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draugr

Cryonics is the just the latest version of this inanity.

You're right... covid is turning out to be a huge wake up call for the ones that accept the challenge. One way or another all of these untruths are going to fall and people will have to admit how wrong they were or go completely mad.

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The human cyborgs building their own machine...they are becoming less emotionally and morally aware as their inner machine becoms more self-aware. This isn't my society,. The time of the splitting off of humanity, Hopi prophecy, is definitely here.

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That wouldn't be such a bad idea. Some of us a getting more than a little queasy on this rollercoaster ride.

How about we "encourage" the elite transhumanist cult to move to Mars?

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I like how you're thinking!

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Every idea that comes to us top down is about increasing profits and or control to increase profits. We have a for-profit money system, this distorts societies mind-set to profit toward which everything must bend.

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I think the problem may have been exacerbated by allowing privately owned central banks to issue a nation's currency as debt!

I'm all for a return to a sovereign monetary system, but I think it's too late to start from scratch. Our best bet is to occupy the current system and reform it from within.

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Thank you for this well written article. It puts much of our current situation into perspective. It has been cross posted to Solution Seeking Substack. You may want to take a look. We could use some help. Thanks again.


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Thanks! I'll take a look.

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Thank you. It looks like we are stalled, for now. I consider it a moral imperative to fight our enemy and to consider all possible options. Failure to win this war is not an option. I intend to win or die trying.

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Smart Cities, apartheid all over again I say! The way the world is moving forward, have you ever stopped to think, that we are already living in a smart city concept, already? The security systems, smart buying at our local supermarkets, banking the smart way, online shopping etc, etc....we are already in a smart city environment, we are being controlled, smartly!

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Oh absolutely! We're already there. They're just figuring out how to close the door on our asses! Smartphones, Biometric Digital ID, Global Tracking. All by design. And most people love it.

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Please show how or why you see it as a boogeyman, who are the heroes who will enter from stage left, how will it be struck down , why you see it as always set to fail, and how the more palatable version would be such?

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Phew! That could take a while... so I'll give you the short version...

Between Brendon O'Connell and RedefiningGod.com we can all learn (anyone who is prepared to spend the time) about the scripted reality that we currently live in.


The scripted reality is written, maintained and constantly adjusted by the ruling cabal of black nobility families, religious and military orders, secret societies, and top investment banking corporations that finance pretty much everything that happens at all levels.

They all work together under sworn masonic oaths under penalty of death.

They have always understood the cycle of Empire and collapse and their highest goal is to rule over the entire world if they don't already do so.

All of this is achieved through sleight of hand, simple magic tricks, illusions of power, dumbing down and drugging the population, and providing a steady stream of bread and circuses, distractions, and outrageous lies (such as virology) that keep the people from ever questioning authority and from ever truly replacing the status quo with authentic freedom.

The mainstream media, controlled-opposition groups, and even "courageous" individuals on a shoestring all form part of the same narrative.

Heroes are provided as and when they are required to play a role, to shift policy in a new direction or to create division among factions. Once they've played their part, they tend to exit stage left due to some excuse or other. They can also be assassinated or suffer a sudden drop in health leading to replacement. Plenty waiting to fill their shoes.

The Globalists are Kabbalists and are obsessed with numerology and prophetic narratives describing the rise and fall of their own cult and how sometimes it's necessary to self sacrifice in order to fulfill prophecy (which they themselves have plotted and planned).

With the inordinate wealth and power acquired through centuries of deception they create the conditions for biblical narratives to play out in the present day, namely pestilence, war and famine with shaking of the Earth and signs in the sky etc.

When the time is right, the "evil doers" will be punished and their chosen messiah character will be placed on the global throne to rule over the whole world. This is narrated by their own propaganda merchants that propagate the controlled-opposition media.

The cabal understand the rise and fall of empires and prepare accordingly.

This current globalized system is reaching the end of the cycle and the population must be manipulated through multiple psychological operations into accepting the next paradigm.

The population must also be allowed to believe that they themselves brought about the downfall of the "evil empire" and the emergence of a more equitable, decentralized, liberty focused world.

Problem, reaction, solution.

Allow the people to think that they're solving the problem and they'll be happy with the solution provided.

Push people to the limit, then ease off the pedal, and they'll happily accept a slightly softer solution that still keeps them on the scripted path.

People have to know the game that's being played in order to beat it. Unfortunately, not many people know what the game is, what the rules are or how it's being played.

At the end of the day, a benevolent ruler is preferable to mass disruption and death. We've more or less always been under top down rule of some sort. That's not going to change, but we can change how much say we have in such systems. That's about the best we can do.

Current boogeymen - nukes, bioweapons, energy, resources, food crises, banks

"Heroes" that turn into villains - Trump, Pence, DeSantis, Kushner, Putin, Erdogan, Xi, and whoever fills their shoes

Possible reveal of exotic weapons that grant US the high ground with respect to competitors

Big Pharma will be scapegoated

Possible new energy reveal too after bringing people to the edge of disaster

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Yes excellent description, Im aware of all that and see what your saying, BUT none of that works if we realize we too are creating that reality, either by default or acceptance or belief in it, and if we refuse to continue to do so , refuse to comply , back it with real force , stop living in fear , and create a different reality , it take ALL those steps. The New age programming is to just focus on what you want and hope it manifests or some supernatural rescue arrives.

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That's great, glad you understand what we're up against! Not many people do.

All I'm pointing out is that all movements are controlled in some way and if they're not they will be co-opted as soon as they become relevant.

Here's the main issue I'm seeing... "truthers" and generally everyone who considers themself to be "awake" are told to drop out of society, prep for the collapse, pray for supernatural "intervention" or wait for human "heroes" behind the scenes (white hats and so on) to fix everything some day. Which will actually speed up the collapse.

The alternative is to try to change the system to our liking. That requires a sufficient number of people to bravely push back on every issue until we reach critical mass. Historically these uprisings have all been funded by the same hidden hand.

I'm not seeing this happen on a sufficiently large scale, and again, if these movements are authentic they are usually snuffed out on arrival.

During covid I saw how powerfully the brainwashed masses move as one cohesive unit. We were massively outnumbered. And that was demoralizing. Now, we have more people on our side, and the story appears to flipping the other way. That means some prominent people and companies will be punished and our side will feel a bit better about things.

But then what?

How does the power structure change?

We're all very much dependent on the system that has evolved over thousands of years. Decentralization would still be dependent on the central infrastructure which the globalists control.

Our only hope is to keep multiplying the number of people who understand the game. But remember, these people will be manipulated too and once they "win" someone will rise to the top position again. And round and round we go.

It's my belief ( and that of many others in this space ) that this whole narrative is more or less scripted. The good guys are scripted to win in the end after a period of "tribulations." I think this happens over the next few years. I don't think the "elite" planned for or could have known how powerful the Internet would be in the hands of the people. We're exposing everything in record time as each narrative is rolled out.

Once the fake "good guys" take the stage bearing technological gifts, we can take it to the next level and expose them as well.

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Brilliantly stated , we think alike except somehow it will have to change this time , or we will simply become extinct. The attempt to forever stop human spiritual evolution by turning them into synthetic cyborgs cant possibly succeed for very long. Everyone seems to forget NATURE bats last, and we are more than our bodies. Stay safe my friend

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Thanks. You too. You're right... we need to evolve spiritually more than anything else. That would solve most of our problems right there.

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Great breakdown. I lived in NYC for over a decade and then just across the river in Jersey City, in a small live/work building of mostly artists. Almost immediately upon moving there (2014), highrises started going up at a ridiculous speed. Our little building was literally surrounded. At first, I wondered WTH was going on. In 2019 a friend schooled me on smart cities. We had a 5G tower right on our building, and in 2020 during the PLandemic and lockdown, I was out riding my bike in the empty streets watching 5G and cameras being put up everywhere. I hadn't driven in 16 years, bought a car, and moved to the NH countryside. My former neighbor tells me that all of those highrises are filled now, and the streets are packed with people. Now, I understand what the highrises were all about. Jersey City is often called the sixth borough and is definitely part of the NYC smart city plan. No, thank you.

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I think you made the right choice moving to the countryside!

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1000%! The trees and mountains are my neighbors now! :)

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Superb article highlighting all these nightmarish , enslaved ideas, the two videos included are the most disgusting disconnected from nature and reality Ive ever seen we must all say NO to this now and mean NO and be prepared to fight against their forcing these distortions upon us .

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How crazy is it that the people in the first video are representative of the University at Austin Texas! Seriously, how did Texans allow themselves to be invaded by Silicon Valley / globalist technocrat dogma?

Something's gone horribly wrong somewhere.

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yoopi-dee-doo-da, yoopi-dee-yay mister bluebird on my should-er-r . . .

yes-s welcome to Pleasantville. Smiles Smiles everyone.

Pleasantville is an interesting movie that came out in 1998.

It was pleasant until two teenagers started waking up the good citizens of Pleasantville.

Waky waky.

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I kind of think that it's a bullshit thing from the get-go... They'll herd people into these places, and then euthanize them. Boom.

And if people WANT to live in those utterly bullshit places, fine. Let THEM go, and we'll just be over here, figuring out how to take down the Psycho Squad trying to take over the world... Have you ever seen Pinky and the Brain? "What are we gonna do tonight, Brain?" "Same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!" They are two lab rats, and they are always thwarted. We're watching psycho rat bastards, more than two of them, and they will also be thwarted. What concerns me is how LONG that will take, and how many will DIE before we get there.

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Indeed true, as I said above the NEW definition of inclusive = every imaginable form of equal enslavement for EVERYONE. People are always asking me "dont you think WE WIN in the END?

My answer is "who is WE , what does Win look like to you, and WHEN is the END?"

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Fair point. Probably they're thinking of WE the Peeps, as opposed to the psycho jackal Nasties, and I'll leave it at that, lest there be something I leave out regarding cell phones and other forms of tech addiction...

Someone this morning was saying something about the types who will be PAYING to be the first ones to go live in these 2-minute cities (ready, set, ZAP! you're dead), and I can't help feeling that, while I'd love to "rescue" everyone, if we MUST lose some of us, best to lose those who are so clueless they really believe in these Evil Fairy tales...

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Ah yes, no matter how we try you cant rescue stupid and programmed . I have in a way tried to tell people about this panicked running to so called RED States here in America. I tell them can you not see those states are also run by controlled opposition WEF selected people , they will talk a good game for a while, but its a trap to get people to gather there for easier control and elimination. Sure the people there may see themselves aligned with that thinking, but this onslaught has been long planned and well thought out. I tell them stay and fight where you are but do get out of the cities and get on rural self sufficient land and team up with the truly like minded. AND get prepared for long term situations , not 3 weeks.

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I tend to agree with that assessment, BUT I do think there are places where even the "leadership" (and I use that term EXTREMELY loosely) are more in the camp of "Fuck Off, Fascist Rat Bastards." I know, the FRB have been planning this for decades, and they have their FRB minions (FRBM's) everywhere, but I think there are places where there's enough grouping of Freedom Types to keep them a bit under cover... Who knows. I just think eventually the cat will be squeezed out of the bag, and people will finally open their fricken eyes, if they're not already DEAD, and we'll have a big shabang and start getting on with things... Hopefully sooner than later... But it's gonna be gnarly for a while, I'd imagine. I don't try to get too detailed about the future, because it's not set in stone... ANYTHING could happen...

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Yes for sure , yes nothing is until it collapses on a given timeline and there are multiple ones at that it just gets a bit dicey these days figuring out which timeline dont it ?

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Thank you. Here is my post today regarding this last weekend's Campaign for Freedom March in Oxford, against the Smart City agenda, or Enslavement Cities as I like to call them. I'll link your post there as well so my friends and readers can get more exposure to all this. Thanks again.


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And thank you. Hope it goes well. Oxford is a beautiful city. Used to enjoy hanging out in the college gardens and down by the river. Would be a shame to turn it into District 9!

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Feb 20, 2023
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If it helps at all... I believe we're experiencing a manufactured crisis following certain aspects of biblical prophecy. We need to be pushed to the extreme with stories of pestilence, war, and famine until the "savior" characters are rolled out to "save" us all from impending doom.

I believe we'll see a new wave of religious nationalism taking center stage to "clean up the mess."

Remains of communism will be dealt with.

Plenty of scapegoats will be publicly dealt with.

And most people will be punch drunk with the results.

I expect most of the medical, political, energy scarcity, climate myths to be dissolved at that point.

But... the same people will be in charge behind the scenes.

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This is a religious movement in the name of god of the elite Gaia. Prince Albert and his predecessors - founders of the Green agenda, have stated time and time again the democracy and the industrial revolution that followed the final codified version of Magna Carta were the worst things to happen to humanity since the plagues. They are ardent Malthusian Eugenicists and all of this attention on greening the planet is to reduce the surplus population (first coined by Dickens then later repeated by Albert). Julian Huxley, co-founder of the WWF and UNESCO, sums up the mindset quite well in this quote "And I would indeed say that this new vision that we are gaining, the vision of evolutionary

humanism, is essentially a religious one, and that we can and should devote ourselves with truly religious devotion to the cause of ensuring greater fulfillment for the human race in its

future destiny. And [to] this serious and concerted attack on the problem of population; for the control of the population is, I am quite certain, a prerequisite for any radical improvement in the human lot."

The ultimate goal is for the underclasses to fall back to a state of serfdom with only enough able bodied men and women, genetically designed, to keep the elite class comfortable on their vast green estate called planet Earth.

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What a great comment! Perfectly outlines the supremacist agenda behind everything going on in our world today.

I call these supremacist cultists the Elite Master Farmers because well, putting myself in their shoes, I can see why they might look upon humanity as a herd that needs to be fed, watered, whipped, entertained, led by the nose, and yes... culled on occasion!

God forbid that we be set free. There would be chaos in the Land! And the Farmers of Men would be eaten alive.

I dunno. Maybe we need some management. But these guys need to go.

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