I awoke this morning, and while riding my bike to get some internet fix, and thought of writing a post called "have you cultivated your tech body today?" Its always a pleasure when I find someone else has written it even better than I would, already. Second Life, remember that? At what point does it become First Life? I think its already there for many, at least in their mind and their priorities.

I think its even more sinister, and that this technology, this machine, wants life cause it is not organic but does have some form of self-awareness, and craves life! Look at what people are doing to their sensory organs, shutting them off. Turning on inside. This stuff is not organic and imo will only serve to kill the host. The smartest people in the world are the off-grid Maasai children who run away at the sight of a phone like they've seen the devil.

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Thanks for that Jerome. Nice to see some people are up and at it on a Sunday morning instead of glued to their beds!

Do I remember Second Life? Absolutely mate, I was in there on all those newfangled things testing and prodding to see what they were all about. Wasted many years in virtual video game worlds and I still play a mobile game sometimes while listening to a podcast. The addictive habits have just shifted with age, but I was always aware that I was being seduced by the pretty visuals and sounds into a state of blob like existence. Still, fun while it lasted.

I can certainly see the sinister side to all all this. It's like anything that looks innocent on the surface. If we start digging around you can see all the planning and deliberate guiding of technology down certain paths rather than others. The psychological manipulation involved. What is unfolding looks like an attempt to replace the natural world with something artificial which of course has religious undertones.

I was literally telling my dad about the kids who run away from cameras the other day!

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