I've read that some studies were done a while back showing that human cells are able to keep renewing for around 120 years. That should be our average lifespan, not 75 or 80. I find that appealing, and am making some changes in my lifestyle habits to increase my longevity potential. Living forever, though--as you say, it has no appeal at all. And absolutely not via any inserted technology or consuming repulsive concoctions as some are said to do. All your arguments make sense, and I'd think it would be unutterably lonely to outlive everyone I know and love, and to do that repeatedly throughout time (like the Highlander)--why does anyone want to do that? Fear of death, I suppose--and what harm to others are they willing to do to stave off that change that terrifies them?

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I think you're onto something. Much of what we talk about here suggests that we've been deliberately dumbed down and 'life-shortened' over the course of our existence almost as if we humans have been bred as a slave species. We have biblical references to much longer life spans, then through certain periods of famine etc. lives were cut short and we're told that life spans have been increasing ever since due to advances in medical science and especially vaccines. As you suggest, I would go as far as to say that vaccines, other modern medical treatments, and toxic products and lifestyle are in fact shortening life spans possibly by decades. Can't say for sure but it certainly looks that way when you weigh up all the pros and cons. So I'm all for natural life extension as a byproduct of cleaning up our lives and environment. Anything coming from Technocracy INC. is another matter altogether. There's always a price to pay.

I'm actually finishing a story along these lines right now where "fallen angel" type characters are put on a island to "pay for their sins." They touch on how they ended up here on earth in the first place and why they fear going back "home" where even more severe punishment potentially awaits them."

Down here they can live as kings and movie stars and their children inherit their wealth and power. Up there they must bow to another and maybe that's why they chose to leave. I have to wonder if there is some truth to these fables because the people running things around here are certainly acting as if they are up against the wall and doing everything in their power to control the minds and bodies of the human plantation workers.

For example, Schwab and Soros and Kissenger step down but their sons and daughters take their place and continue their "wonderful" work. It appears that they are all devoted to the enterprise of controlling the human herd and the pact between them is as strong as it is invisible to mere mortals. I believe that's why we have words such as demonic to describe succinctly the works of psychopaths, sadists and control freaks. They want to stay on top. They have to stay on top. So they try in vain to find the elixir of life when it was residing in their hearts all along.

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The "slave" narrative is repugnant, I didn't want to even give it a moment's credence at first, but now I think it's the truth. It seems very obvious that our health and lifespan have been deliberately reduced over many centuries, by many different means, which today are largely centered on pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrientless food, toxins and pollution, etc. The most egregious things are the ones we can't avoid, like aerial spraying of toxins like we were bugs to be exterminated, and 5G everywhere irradiating every living thing.

Have you ever come across the Stellar Nations? It's a download that was given to two Hungarian women about 15 years ago, a galactic history that involves, I think it's 13 or maybe 15 different types of beings whose homes are certain star systems, and the whole story of their interactions and what all of it has to do with our planet. Fallen angels are one of the types of beings--or, I should say, angels, which then fell, as did the serpents and some others. It's got a very fall/redemption theme to it, which doesn't attract me, but otherwise it's a very rich metaphor for human evolution, and maybe could have truth as an actual galactic history.

Then there's the Annunaki (they actually appear in the Stellar Nations narrative too) and the hybridization of humans. Oracle Girl (Jacqueline Hobbs) tells a somewhat similar story involving "negative high-frequency beings" who came here eons ago but can't create so they have enslaved us through a kind of mental technology to do that for them and to keep us from using our creative capacity to make the world we want.

Anyway--there are lots of stories about why things are the way they are here, but for me, it makes sense that we humans have some amazing abilities that we are barely aware of, and there are a class of beings, be they fully human, partially human, or not at all human (or some combination) that have held sway here for thousands of years, and their time is now coming to an end. We are waking up--not just to the immediate agendas of this moment, but to the whole tightly woven fabric of lies and manipulation of our consciousness that have kept us unaware of our power and enmeshed in negative ways of living and thinking. I'm feeling it's pretty amazing to be alive right now as it all comes apart and we may get to start experiencing what humans really are and what life on this beautiful planet really can be. I definitely want to live to see that, so I'm going for 120!

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Ha ha! Good for you Betsy! It's obvious now that things are heating up and that much of what we see unfolding follows a script. I just know deep down that we're being played and that a grand reveal is waiting in the wings. Things have to get a little more intense so that the normies look up from their phones long enough to pay attention and react. Then, some kind of salvation protocol will be unveiled, special characters will come forth and most people will more or less accept the "solution."

I remember reading about starseeds and individuals with special abilities. I think I'm a little precog myself. I wouldn't be surprised if these abilities materialize in millions of people in response to what's happening in the world and due to cosmic cycles that affect everything on this planet. My mind is open to all possibilities now, especially after the covid psyop and aftermath. Even as we face the next fake pandemic I have to wonder how well it will take so soon after the previous attempt at total control. I suspect it will be mostly rejected this time. I see people desperate for "normality" whatever shape that takes in each individual mind. Attempts to ramp up the fear again will, I hope, be met with apathy. That said, the local pharmacist had a mask on this morning and I'm sure the local hospital are still masked to the eyeballs and demanding everyone that crosses the line do the same. It's bizarre to me how these drones are still following protocol when everyone else outside of these tiny spaces has moved on.

Anyway, looking forward to becoming more psychic and spiritually resilient as the drama unfolds. The sadistic, parasitic psychopaths should shrivel up and fall off like ticks once more of us get on the right path and stop accepting their nonsense.

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May 23Liked by Tsubion

In his book " ancient evenings", Norman Mailer wrote that Menattentat ( Ramses 2 right hand man) remembered his past lives in his new body by eating bat shit.... Num num.

He reincarnated at his moment of death by sending his awareness into his seamen.

Great book with plenty of good advice- E.g. apparently seamen is the best face moisturizer

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Guano! Hmmm... lovely. Drinking pee is popular again. Although I think the current fad has more to do with maintaining youthful looks. You can ask Sandra Bullock for tips. No, literally foreskins. She uses them for facials.

I think I'll pass on the poop and any injectables when they eventually offer them. They've already started the so-called genetic modification program and it's not looking good at all.

If we truly had anything that extends life we'd see the likes of Lord Jacob and Kissinger and Queen Lizzie live well over 100. Prince Philip looked like a ghoul in his last years so getting there without that happening would certainly be a plus. Obviously he didn't use enough "face moisturizer."

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May 24Liked by Tsubion

They're not completely dead. They have just taken " the long walk" so that they can complete their metamorphosis into " white walkers".

They go to Antarctica I reckon... To catch up with Walt Disney and Elvis... Hopefully that will give the apocalypse some colour and glam!

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Bring it!

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